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Old 01-01-2022, 12:14 PM
Clean39T Clean39T is offline
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Originally Posted by KonaSS View Post
If you don't like the price, move on.
Some of us believe consumer protections should be in place to help keep people from being taken advantage of..

There are some things TPC does that are bad for the sport and bad for the industry. Some of their listings rely on half-truths and casual omissions to get the item sold - on the hope that the buyer either won't know enough to raise a stink when they get it or won't want to deal with the return hurdle. Having a sour experience when getting your first bike can be enough to turn you off the sport, and that's a shame.

On the other hand, they sometimes have hard to find stuff at reasonable prices - and things that are out of stock elsewhere. They employ people. And they keep a pretty cool museum.

End of the day, I just wish they would do a better job of segregating what they have for sale so people really know what they are getting - an "as-is" section, a "refurbished" section, a "like new section", etc. I don't think their condition grading is as good as it could be, or as accurate.
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