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Old 09-22-2021, 11:20 AM
timto timto is offline
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Originally Posted by .RJ View Post
honest question, even if i am stirring the pot here - how is buying a new bicycle, with batteries and motor, beneficial for my 'carbon footprint' compared to using the car that I already own?

sometimes I wonder if we (collectively) spend lots of money on things (bikes, new cars, new appliances, etc, etc) to feel like we're helping the environment.
I started with a cargo bike with kids in Vancouver, and got used to grocery getting, errand runs, movie trips with it. Went to a long tail when they got older... ultimately the carbo bike helped us develop our preferences to living central/smaller/walking/biking life. Even found work that was biking/walking distance when moving to Ottawa...

So it started with the cargo bike but ended with us being car free going on 2 years now with our twins being 13 and in a city where there is a serious winter. Our kids still participate in activities, camps, see friends. The main con is we lost some spontaneity and some adventures we've missed out on as a result (last minute camping for instance...)

So I guess who knows where the cargo bike journey may take you? The kids initially complained, but now don't think twice about biking to get somewhere - like the beach, or the mall, or to a movie. We're all benefitting.
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