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Old 08-28-2021, 07:47 PM
GregL GregL is online now
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: North Syracuse, NY
Posts: 3,620
My best friend from college moved to Orange County in the mid-90s. I visited him a year or two later. His lawn was so small, it could be mowed with a scissors. If he wanted to get a neighbor’s attention, he just had to open a side window and knock on the wall of the house next door. Worse from my perspective, the traffic and road infrastructure were horrible for road cycling. He tried his best to convince me to move west and work with him, but no way I could deal with CA. Upstate NY may have snow and ridiculous taxes, but the life experience is so much more peaceful. I can leave my home or office by bike and be on quiet, rural roads in 5-15 minutes. Priceless!

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