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Old 09-26-2020, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Velocipede View Post
I mean, just cause you can't mix and match with the Big 3 doesn't make it bad or good. It's just a thing. Personally I don't like mixing brands. Too many issues with perfection. Why mess with it?

But everything listed is pretty spot on.
But with 11 speed, everything is, or should I say was, compatible. I'm an old Campy guy and have several Campy wheels. When I put together a bike with etap drivetrain, I was able to use my Campy wheels with a Campy 11 speed cassette. It works perfectly!

Similarly, I could use a Shimano 11 wheel/cassette with my bikes that have Campy drivetrain. Why do that? Well, up until recently, if you needed lower gearing like say 11-34 or larger, you couldn't use a Campy drivetrain because there wasn't a Campy cassette with that gearing. But, you could throw on a Shimano 11 wheel/cassette and away you go! It works and the fact that the parts from the Big 3 are interchangeable is a good thing!

Of course, now that 2 of the 3 have gone to 12 speed, and Campy is at 13, it is unclear whether 12 or 13 speed will be compatible across the big 3.

Good Luck!
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