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Old 09-25-2020, 10:39 AM
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It isn't really a performance issue in my opinion. It is true that rapidly moving your finger to select multiple gears works pretty darn well and is in no way limiting your performance and may in fact be helping it in some way. I just don't think that is the only issue to be considered when designing a product for people.

I would benefit from selecting multiple gears at one time because I would like to be able to do it. That is really the beginning and end of the story. I could try and detail specific arguments about why I think it is a benefit but then you could do the same on the other side. The truth is, we can like different things and that is fine. I am glad you find this type of gear selection preferable, I have tried this type of shifter internals before from Camapagnolo and I didn't like it as much but perhaps this one will be great. I certainly look forward to trying this group out.

Originally Posted by sjbraun View Post
Bullocks- I don't understand why people obsess over the ability to shift multiple cogs with a single throw of the lever. Sure it's fun to dump gears on a road bike when cresting a hill, but as quickly as modern shifters move the rear derailleur, there's really no appreciable limit to single cog shifting.

Exactly how do all riders benefit from being able to shift more than one gear at a time?
please don't take anything I say personally, I am an idiot.
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