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Old 11-20-2019, 09:57 PM
dustyrider dustyrider is offline
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If I lived in an area that allowed for it, I would buy one. I like the idea of an ev pickup for the occasional dump run and hardware store visit, but if they can sell 70,000 dollar gas pickups, I don’t want to imagine what an ev pickup will go for.

My latest whim is an ev sprinter style van(larger battery capacity for range?) that is solar charged. Park it all week and charge it up, head to your campsite for the week and charge it up for the drive back. Maybe one day they could get it down to a weekend charge which would make the ideal camper! I would ride bikes out of the campsite and be living the “Dream”.

As it stands right now, the two largest metropolitan areas are over 300 miles away round trip. Not that I make the quick turn around in one go very often, but the opportunity to fill up with gas and get home is just too great a convenience.

Right now for me the technology would mean buying an ev for in town and keeping or renting a gas guzzler for out of town, which seems to me to be less environmental conscientious than a owning car that gets really good gas mileage. It allows me to pick a friend up at a major airport and drive back the same day, or drive for ~400 miles without stopping, taking ten minutes to fill up, and do it again and again if I want to hit the coast in my life time.

Of course I have an even weirder approach to curbing my consumption and bought a house next to my work. It’s a 5 minute walk one way! Between my living near work, 40 mpg car, and constant bicycle use I feel like I’m doing alright on the transportation side of things.

Last edited by dustyrider; 11-20-2019 at 10:10 PM.
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