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Old 07-31-2018, 11:53 AM
MaraudingWalrus MaraudingWalrus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Augusta, GA
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I bought a Yeti roadie at REI six or so months ago. Went during one of the garage sales and was walking through in the line and there was one of the Tundras 65s a few feet in front of me. They had the tundra 65 that had been returned for whatever reason for the same price as the new Roadie 20 I was going to buy. My girlfriend was working hard to convince me that my parents (for whom I was actually buying the thing) wouldn't be able to drag the massive 65 to and from the beach.

The guys in front of me bought the 65. Made the decision easy for me.

I went from REI to The Varsity (with a stop at a gas station for ice) and bought three gigantic frosted orange milkshakes on Saturday afternoon. I drove from Atlanta to Cocoa Beach Sunday morning and served milkshakes to my family when I got home Sunday afternoon.

At any rate, I don't think you'll go wrong with any of the major players. If you have a membership or coupon at some place then allow that to help guide the purchasing decision, as you aren't incredibly likely to find screaming deals on many of them due to strong MSRP/MAP enforcement.

Although, the big one would have fit a hell of a lot of milkshakes...
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