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Old 09-27-2017, 06:47 AM
Climb01742 Climb01742 is offline
needs adult supervision
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Concord, MA
Posts: 13,460
I've recorded all the episodes so far. I'm watching them in small chunks. I find I can't watch it for too long at a time. It's brilliantly done, but it's heartbreaking and angering. I missed the draft by one year. So much of my high school years were shadowed by the war, the draft and whether we'd be drafted to die for nothing. Over the years, I've met vets of the war whose lives were changed forever, not for the good. So much loss for such f'ed up reasons.

The draft made the war 'real' for just about every kid once college-deferments were cut back dramatically. Which made us all think deeply and personally about war. Which was both horrifying and good for an 18-year-old. I often think, how would our wars today be different if we had a draft, not a volunteer military? 'Nam was every family's 'problem'. Today?
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