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Old 09-20-2017, 05:17 PM
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BobO BobO is offline
AZ Slowpoke
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Originally Posted by FlashUNC View Post
Its a commendable sentiment, but this isn't like the guy is his brother or close friend and he's enabling the behavior by not holding him accountable.

He's a dude who tried to get some bike frames for a team on a deal, and probably had some parts he gave up that are long since gone.

He doesn't owe it to this dude to become some part of his accountability matrix or really to get involved beyond "You don't have my stuff? And no means of realistically making me whole anytime soon? Alright, see ya."

I'd love reading the story about how Billy makes amends at some point down the road, but that wish and a nickel won't buy you a cup of coffee in Brooklyn these days. A lot to be said, sucks as it does, for just taking your lumps, learning some lessons and moving on.
That's not really a response to the context of my comment, which was that you shouldn't NOT hold the guy accountable because you're sympathetic to the fact he has the disease of addiction. Addiction is not like cancer, sympathy does no one any service. It is not only acceptable to hold the addicts feet to the fire in any way you can, it is preferable.
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