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Old 09-08-2017, 02:41 PM
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fiamme red fiamme red is offline
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Here's one comment on the NYT article about Amazon's search for new headquarters:

This is what disgusts me about major corporations. Their motto is:

Ask not what what we can do for anyone (least of all the country that protects and creates our prosperity), but how much more money raised from the taxes of people struggling to survive on the poverty wages we pay can we blackmail out of the hands of moronic elected officials who are desperate to prance a "win" in front of the electorate.

Then we will pay the lowest possible wages to all but a handful of elites while shirking any responsibility to our worker, the state, the nation, and the poor smucks whose tax dollars built our beautiful facilities. Then when the tax bribes are due to expire, we'll start the whole process all over again, screwing some other groups of optimistic, gullible idiots looking for a "win."

But the only people who will win, in the end, be a handful of overpaid executives and a few shareholders most of whom are already wealthy, but are never wealthy enough to feel screwing a few more workers and tax payers is unnecessary!
It is very similar to the tactics of a professional sports team.
It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that certain je ne sais quoi.
--Peter Schickele

Last edited by fiamme red; 09-08-2017 at 02:44 PM.