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Old 04-18-2017, 10:37 AM
leftyfreak leftyfreak is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Bedford, MA
Posts: 415
Originally Posted by benb View Post
I pay a lot of attention to humidity.. we've had a run of 20% humidity days, pretty dry. There have been fire warnings every day for about a week.

We have a humidifier in our furnace but the temp is pretty much just right so that we don't really get the heat or the A/C running, and we got some water in our basement so the humidity is high in the basement.. so the house ends up dry cause the humidifier isn't running. Makes for a lot of bloody noses for me this week since I got sick.

It would be nice if the new Cafe ended up having some quality coffee, not really something I need since I live down the street but Bedford doesn't really have anything particularly good for coffee.
Sounds frustrating! I hope things are improving for you and that you'll be well enough to ride with us on Saturday.

Speaking of which, consider this a reminder that the Next Tour will be leaving the Bedford Depot at 8am on the morning of Saturday, April 22nd! Further details are available earlier in this thread.

So far, it looks like we're going to have a pretty nice turnout. We've got at least 4-5 Paceliners who are expecting to come, three of my local, Bedford, friends will be there, and I imagine there will be several more from Ti Designs' other groups as well.

Put another way, we could have bikes by all these local builders: IF, Zanconato, Firefly, Parlee, Seven, and Merlin! Plus at least one Serotta, a Marinoni, and who knows what else.

Looking forward to Saturday's ride! Once again, please send me and/or Ti Designs a pm if you'll be meeting us so that we know to look for you.
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