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Old 03-31-2017, 09:16 AM
alancw3 alancw3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gsinill View Post
I am really surprised that there wasn't more coverage in the media and that there is basically zero uproar.

From the article:

ISPs can now [...]:
  1. Sell your browsing history to basically any corporation or government that wants to buy it
  2. Hijack your searches and share them with third parties
  3. Monitor all your traffic by injecting their own malware-filled ads into the websites you visit
  4. Stuff undetectable, un-deletable tracking cookies into all of your non-encrypted traffic
  5. Pre-install software on phones that will monitor all traffic — even HTTPS traffic — before it gets encrypted. AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile have already done this with some Android phones.
They can even sell your geolocation information. That’s right, ISPs can take your exact physical location from minute to minute and sell it to a third party.

The really outrageous part is that contrary to privacy concerns with websites like Facebook, Amazon or browsers where you have a choice to use them, there is no way out with the ISPs who own the pipe through which your data flows.

On top of it, with the government approved consolidation of ISPs over the years, a lot of consumers, including myself, have no choice but only one provider.

Thank your 50 senators!!!
i agree. was so surprised that this did not cause more of a social uproar!
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