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Old 03-28-2017, 11:09 AM
sales guy sales guy is offline
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Originally Posted by misterha View Post
very interesting and good to know!

I know it sounds backwards to everything everyone else is saying marketing wise. But here's the issues:

With a 27.2mm post, for a larger compact frame, there is too much flex. Too much post sticking out and it has more leverage on it. It can lead to bent seatposts. With a 31.6mm post, you don't have as much flex, less chance of a bent post. There is just enough flex to take off some of the harshness that roads give you.

I have found this issue out personally on my mountain bikes. I have bent many 27.2mm posts on it. Never bent a 31.6mm post though. I am 6'3 and 240 pounds. So for someone like me, a 31.6mm post makes tons of sense. For smaller/lighter riders, yes, a 27.2mm post makes more sense.

But you also have to factor other things into the seattube diameter. Many times, companies make the seattubes larger to keep stiffness in the frame. But then it becomes too harsh and people don't like them. Specialized is a perfect example of why they use Zerts in the post. To add comfort. They are still using a 27.2mm post tho. So by their own and pretty much everyone elses marketing, a 27.2mm post automatically gives you a more comfortable ride. Then why add Zerts? Its cause they are making the frame stiffer for power transfer. Which kills all the comfort.

I know it sounds backwards.
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