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Old 03-11-2017, 10:46 PM
Frikki Frikki is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 88
* real name, Fridrik
* where do you live? Brooklyn
* explanation of your handle Icelandic nickname
* explanation of your avatar apathy
* age (general or specific) 33
* occupation Producer
* favorite bike Trekko
* what's in your stable? Currently, a Trek 5500 and a Surly Cross Check with a Crust Cargo Fork, used for costco runs and taking my big fat dog places he otherwise wouldn't be able to go
* fastest speed on a road bike? Actual, Perceived or Strava-claimed? In order: Actual: probably something like 60-70km/h some place upstate, Perceived: gliding between cars in Midtown NYC, Strava Claimed: Like 130km/h because gps gets all weird between the skyscrapers
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? Embarrasingly few, but as it's my first year in which I actually consider myself a cyclist, as opposed to someone who's too cheap to take the train, it's all up from here
* picture of yourself or your ride? Need to work on this one
* make up and answer at least one additional question. What's the most ennoying flat you ever got? Cycling from NYC to Danbury CT to pick up a Kurzweil k2500RS, I a: didn't pack a tube or pump or anything (i know..), b: didn't realize the Kurzweil was going to weigh ~30lbs which probably contributed to my rear wheel popping as I was passing through Cannondale (the place) I think proceeded to knock on every single door I could find there but somehow didn't find a single person who even had a bike so I wound up waiting 2 hours for the train back
* what is the biggest lie you've ever told that just brings back bad memories
* and, something fun. When riding a bike with a bike frame slung over your shoulder, on way to shop, or friend's place with the right tools, if you orient the bottom bracket the right way, it can make a pretty neat sound
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