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Old 02-04-2017, 12:44 PM
kingpin75s kingpin75s is offline
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Lot of good advice here.

I will only restate that if you are serious about using the show as an opportunity to finalize a short list and commit:

Have a short list in mind - I went to Denver and was there to see Potts, Kish and my non-Ti option Inglis/Retrotec. Dave of Ellis was the wildcard when I got to the show as his Strada Fango was right inside the entrance and was IMHO the functionally best executed gravel bike that year. Potts was #1 on my list and was who I ultimately worked with.

Go on Friday as it is quiet and you will have the best opportunity to get quality time with the builders.

Stay for the energy and fun of Saturday.

Show is cheap for the unique experience if you are in the market for custom. If not, it's still better than the annual car show IMHO. YMMV. Yadda.
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