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Old 12-19-2016, 08:30 PM
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William William is offline
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Originally Posted by Mzilliox View Post
you know whats weird, we don't pay any attention to which direction our houses face in relation to sun and wind. i find that odd. for a smart species, we sure try and work against nature often. you'd think we'd learn its just easier to conform to natural laws and pay attention.

having a tiny house is one thing. having an efficient house another. I'm into small and efficient rather than tiny for the sake of tiny. so much more heating and cooling needs could be met if we paid more attention to solar orientation and wind direction and designed accordingly.

and so many more people could be fed if we didn't monoculture and used our brains to design better gardens.

its all about the sun

we should pay more attention

I watched this one on "Earthships" a while back, interesting concept...

“Earthships” - brainchild of architect Mike Reynolds in the 1970s- they’re nearly completely self-sufficient homes: no electrical grid, no water lines, no sewer....

Sixteen years ago, Tom Duke had just finished over a decade on the pro volleyball circuit when he bought a bit of land here with his wife and began to build a tiny Earthship the size of a storage shed. When their first son was born they built their dream house on the property, a two bedroom that, like other Earthships, collects rainwater, uses its water four times (the plants in the indoor greenhouse filter the greywater) and even processes its own sewage....

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