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Old 07-25-2016, 05:06 PM
JAGI410 JAGI410 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Minnesnowta
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I just got over this, and it sucked! I'm not really stressed so I'm unsure of the trigger. It felt like I had a pinched nerve in my back for a few days, then it spread to my shoulder, like as if someone was trying to cut out my shoulder blade. Couldn't lay down, couldn't sleep, the pain was the worse I've ever felt. Rash was minor just 2 small patches on my side and back, and I had attributed it to all the trail building work I've been doing. I must have brushed against something out in the woods, but I was wrong!

Finally went to urgent care and was quickly diagnosed with shingles. Valtrex, Tylenol with codeine, and a muscle relaxer. Pain went down to a manageable level in 5 days, rash is still barley visible. Rash pain didn't start until I took the pills, or maybe it's that the shoulder pain was so intense I couldn't feel it. Felt like the left side of my torso was badly sunburnt.

In hindsight I should have gone to the doctor 3 days sooner and I would have been spared some misery. Just now feeling up to riding distances longer than my commute!
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