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Old 06-25-2016, 05:33 AM
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oldpotatoe oldpotatoe is offline
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Originally Posted by nesteel View Post
I have never been a fan of big nanny government. Grow up and be responsible for yourself, instead of having someone do your thinking for you.
As for taxing gas to pay for infrastructure; lets cut the waste out of government and use the savings to pay for what's important. There's only so much that the citizens should have to pony up for. And I think we pay enough.
better get rid of congress first. Then better look at the DOD budget.

'Use tax', fuel taxes are very low, have been for years. Use the highways, byways and bridges, pay to maintain them.

The US has some of the lowest tax rates in the world. Yes, I don't like to be taxed either but I don't like to kill a $150 tire in a pot hole either, like I did.
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