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Old 03-18-2016, 06:33 AM
El Chaba El Chaba is offline
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Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
When those were brand new, Campagnolo offered a 'reward' for any pro who won a race(stage) using them. GWeiss Ballan were famous as they were the cutting edge of EPO use in 1993...DeRosa also, and some of the first titanium DeRosa's.
That was an awesome team. I had a chance once to check out the bikes up close...The mechanic told me that The old gentleman himself (Ugo) had a particular interest in titanium and that he and Doriano were the only ones to have a hand in the building of the titanium bikes. Interestingly, Berzin had a steel bike -somewhat but not exactly like a Primato in that it had EL/OS tubing-that was painted in titanium colored paint with the blue fade and was even decaled "Titanio" to match the other bikes. I'm not sure what it was about as he also had a Titanio...The greatest thing may have been the bike rack that was built for about twelve bikes and custom made to fit the team's Mercedes station wagons...made from Columbus DeRosa. It was a real work of art...
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