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Old 09-18-2015, 07:45 PM
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David Kirk David Kirk is offline
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I own a 2013 TDi and it will be interesting to learn more about what the trickery does. I suspect it doesn't have a large effect on everyday driving but that the ECU was optimized for the rolling road test done in the EU to give it a better emissions rating which the euros think about when they shop for a car....unlike most of the USA.

But we will see.

I've put about 30,000 miles on mine now and it's averaged over 42 mpg for that time in all type of driving and never once have I seen any soot come out the tail pipe. Come to think of it the inside of the tail pipe is not even black.

All that said VW effed up in a big way on this one and they should pay a hefty price for this stupid decision.

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