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Old 07-28-2015, 05:10 PM
Mzilliox Mzilliox is offline
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Originally Posted by Jgrooms View Post
I agree with this. And add my additional theory that as society has become dominated by sedentary fatties, we are viewed as an even greater outlier to society's 'norm'.

I've been riding a long time and I hear crap from fat drivers I never heard 20 yrs ago. And my ears are always attuned to the coworker or acquaintance and their often not very veiled comments on being fit & cycling.
what is it about choosing to use my body to do things that pisses people off?

from cycling instead of driving, to hand tools instead of power tools, to simply choosing a parking spot further away and walking.

today i saw a man in a huge truck almost pull out in front of me to turn right onto the road. I mouthed "don't even think about it". no way he heard me speak, but he saw my lips move and gave me a dirty look and put his arm in the air like "what?". he did wait to pull out, but then pulled out like an idiot, spinning the tires a bit and making a huge sound with his huge truck. he held his fist out the window at me as if to say "haha, I'm faster than you".

I gave him the thumbs up, because its better than a middle finger.

people are jerks, maybe even some of you, and maybe me sometimes too.
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