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Old 11-28-2014, 08:34 PM
CunegoFan CunegoFan is offline
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Originally Posted by ultraman6970 View Post
The problem is that many of those books for teenagers simply sucks as a movie, the previous movie was ok, a friend told me that the last one was just bad...

Remember the vampires movies, I would had been the wwarewolf kid I would had killed that stupid b...h at the 1st half an hour and have saved everybody of just bad movies The divergent movie was just awful and I hope the new star wars is good.

Hope the new jurassic park does great.

No more spidermans please...
It was not just the movies. The Twilight books sucked as well. It is amazing that a downright terrible writer can be so successful.

Ditto on the Spiderman thoughts. I have had it with super hero movies. They are little more than CGI cartoons.

I will go see the last Hobbit film even though my opinion of Peter Jackson decreases with every film he makes. How can the CGI in the Hobbit films look so much worse than that in the LoR films?
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