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Old 10-11-2014, 08:19 AM
dnc dnc is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by Ti Designs View Post
Step 1) Give up on how you pedal the bike.

Step 3) Pedal like Anquetil

It's step 2 that I'm not so sure about...
No, you learn a new technique for use in non climbing TT's. I use three, circular , mashing and the unknown semi circular, there is an ideal time or place for all of them. While you appear to be on the right track around TDC, we are using very different objectives and I would be careful raising that weight at 11. When pedalling our muscles are warmed up and we are applying our maximal force to an already fast moving target. As you said, if you know exactly what you need to learn, you can teach your body to do almost anything. I got the technique from the idea of biomechanically combining arm and leg muscles for increased power output. This also gives the necessary resistance for instant maximal torque at TDC. Because this is done discreetly, it cannot be copied.
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