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Old 03-11-2014, 01:32 PM
danield danield is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: SFV, CA
Posts: 83
Campy Record Pista Crankset Dust Covers stripped - suggestions?

I'm attempting to swap my Campy Record Pista crankset to a new track frame. When I went to remove the dust cover from the drive side crank, the hole for the allen wrench gave and started to round. After trying a few different times and with a few different tools, I've succeeded at basically rounding the hex into a increasingly large circle. I assume I threaded it on too tight to begin with -- Any idea how to get the dust cover off at this point? Since it's already ruined, destroying it is fine -- just don't want to damage the crank.

For reference the dust covers/caps I'm referring to are these:

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