Thread: D2R2 Bikes 2013
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by mike p View Post
Not that I want this thread to drag out and die an extremely slow death but.....I sorta think both sides of argument are correct. I live in upstate NY and we've got plenty of gnarly seasonal roads (jeep trails). Most all of it can be ridden on a regular road bike with 23's. Maybe not the best choice if your looking to ride just that one hill but if you look at the entire ride, what's more painful.....riding one or two really bad sections on 23's or riding ·the other hundred miles on big fat slow tires? It all comes down to the individual. What's fun for you may not be fun for someone else.·
When I look at the bikes Tyler Evans posted I would rather ride the first skinny tire race bike. It'd be a pain for me to do a hundred miles on the mtb bike he's going to ride this year, even though he'll have a blast bombing the downhills on that thing! No right or wrong. ·Why get mad at someone else for having a different opinion.


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