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Old 08-02-2013, 01:29 PM
laupsi laupsi is offline
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Originally Posted by CunegoFan View Post
Serotta went from BMW to Ferrari. They went from an aspirational product that lots of enthusiasts (and people who wanted to look like enthusiasts) could afford (even if they had to stretch a bit financially) to a product that was insanely expensive (when comparison shopped against similar products) and beyond the reach of most people. The fake-it-till-you-make-it market is much much larger than the made-it market.
most posts are similar to the one above in that they preach about the exorbitant amount that Serotta charges/charged for their frames. similar products? what exactly is the reference or comparison? have these same folks ever priced custom Ti and Carbon frames? not to mention the cost of super light carbon wonder bikes made in Taiwanese or Chinese production facilities. no way to filter the nonsense

not claiming to know the causes that brought Serotta to this point, I'm certain however they are numerous. considering what folks spend today on high end bicycles/kits/accessories I don't think cost of product is reason numero uno for the demise.
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