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Old 07-31-2013, 12:47 PM
Climb01742 Climb01742 is offline
needs adult supervision
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Concord, MA
Posts: 13,460
this past sunday i went to the going out of business sale of a once-hip t-shirt company named 'rogues gallery'. before 2007-8, they sold a boatload of $80-90 t-shirts and even pricier sweatshirts. their apex was when the cast of 'entourage' wore their stuff almost every show.

as a bunch of people bought rogues gallery's remaining stock for pennies on the dollar, i asked one of the few remaining employees what happened. his answer was short and dead on, 'it's hard', he said, 'to sell $80 t-shirts today...even in tokyo.'

the world changed. they didn't.
