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Old 11-07-2012, 11:33 AM
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nighthawk nighthawk is offline
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I had a bad shipping experience with Greyhound, but it was almost 10 years ago. Some of the details are fuzzy... but my gf at the time was living in Vancouver, BC and she was returning there after visiting me in MA, USA. I had built a bike for her while she was visiting and we decided to send the bike on the 'hound to Bellingham, WA where she was able to pick it up and bring it back to canada. It was a full touring bike, with panniers, packed well into a standard bike box. Long story short, when we picked it up, a hole was torn in the side of the box and the panniers were missing. Greyhound refused responsibility.

I don't remember if the cost was so cheap that it was worth it...
Also... keep in mind, the many number of hands that the package passes through, and the thankless job that a package handler for greyhound must be. Anyone that has ridden that stinking bus will know what i mean. I don't think it's a good idea.

Ofcourse... this was 10 years ago.. things may have changed.. they may have better tracking, they may have insurance that I shouldve gotten.
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