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Old 05-31-2012, 07:32 AM
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oldpotatoe oldpotatoe is offline
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Originally Posted by jds108 View Post
OP: when you say 10 speed is more durable, do you mean just DA, or also Ultegra? Just curious as I have some of each (9 spd DA, 10 spd ultegra). The oldest DA shifters aren't crisp but don't miss their shifts. So it's probably just the lube getting gummy. I'm wondering if the 10 speed stuff will eventually start feeling the same way.
IME, lotsa of 7700/6500 had 'issues'. Primarily, the big lever would 'travel' with the small lever when trying to shift to a higher(smaller cog) gear. Holding the big lever out made the shift possible. Flushing helped many times but many times it did not. shimano changed the shift mech to mirror the XTR/XT shift guts when they went to 10s and these were, IME, much more reliable(altho the 7800/6600 seems to eat der cables). I have seen few 7800/6600 and NO 7900/6700/5700 fail to date.
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