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Old 03-15-2012, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by 54ny77
all the things you described could be easily addressed in a contract.
I guess my point is that we're talking bicycle frames here, not something complicated or overly expensive. As I said, a contract is only as good as someone's willingness to enforce it.

If a framebuilder returns your deposit, is it really worthwhile to hire a lawyer to go after the guy for breach of implied contract? Even if the builder doesn't return the deposit, I expect the time/money one devotes to it won't ever be recovered.

If a customer forfeits their $500 deposit and walks, do many framebuilders think it's a good investment of their time/money to hire a lawyer to go get the rest, when the frame is still in their possession?

For me, life is too short to burdern simple transactions with excessive precautions. If a builder chooses to do this, then I've picked the wrong one. If I ask for a contract, then I expect an established builder might tell me to go find another.

In my view, these aren't complicated transactions and inserting lawyers will make them exactly that. I'm speaking for myself, of course.