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bking 04-22-2017 03:57 PM

veloflex master vs carbon fibre rims
I've had a couple of the 25c clincher tires around for sometime and just mounted them to campy carbon wheel and looked on box for tire pressures and noted it says "do not use carbon fibre rims".
anyone know if this is more than just liablitiy speak?
I've used veloflex before and never picked up on this.

Cicli 04-22-2017 04:00 PM

Cheap carbon rims may have a sharp edge on the bead that can cut thin tires. Its just a disclaimer. They will likely be fine.

BTW, dint follow the pressure on the box. Its likely really high.

rwsaunders 04-22-2017 04:27 PM lists this note for Veloflex clinchers...

Note: Some models of carbon fiber wheels have a sharp or inconsistent edge in the bead seat area, which could cause cuts in the casing of delicate Veloflex clinchers, potentially compromising the tires over time. Because they are not able to inspect every rim for such inconsistencies, Veloflex states that these tires are not compatible with carbon rims.

kramnnim 04-22-2017 05:25 PM

I had a Veloflex master on an Enve rim, and it did indeed fail at the sidewall where the bead is. About 8mm of the top layer of fabric was cut/worn through.

Tickdoc 04-22-2017 05:51 PM

I mounted a brand new set of veloflex master 25'sto a set of enve 3.4 rims one day not too long ago, only to be greeted by a loud BANG! In the middle of the night as one of the beads unseated.

I read the warning on tithe box and thought it was fluff.

My rims are by no means cheap Chinese knock-offs, but I don't run veloflex masters on anything but aluminum rims.

Shame, too, because it is my favorite clincher.

pdmtong 04-22-2017 08:25 PM

yikes - good to know. I would not have thought this was a consideration - was thinking about corsa on bora one clincher'

Duende 04-23-2017 01:23 AM

Becoming unseated and cutting through the casing are two very different things. Ive been riding corsa on bora ones for a few months now with no issues.

A few peeps on weight weenies are doing the same with no issues.

If I had to change, I really don't be know tire I'd go to. Back to Vttorias?

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