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Turkle 02-12-2024 01:07 PM

Different saddle for indoor trainer?
This winter I've been rocking the indoor trainer for a lot of miles. I am on the very heavy and solid Stages SB20, so that thing isn't moving at all when I pedal. And I really am starting to get uncomfortable on the saddle. Too much pressure up front on the perineum.

It occurred to me that since weight isn't an issue on the stationary bike, why am I not using a big comfy padded saddle on the trainer?

Do any of you use a different, more padded saddle on the indoor trainer to make your winter miles more comfy?

alexihnen 02-12-2024 02:05 PM

I have a similar question. Though I’ve never found heavily padded saddles more comfortable than firm ones, I am wondering if there’s a need to change saddles for inside. I’m also on an SB20 and am using the saddle that was provided. I’ve done probably 200 hours on it so it’s not terrible, but better would be…better.

fmradio516 02-12-2024 02:07 PM

You definitely could if you make note of your road and trainer saddle heights/settings.

I found the only thing to help is to get out of the saddle every now and then.

Good luck.

edgerat 02-12-2024 02:09 PM

I can't state how much I dislike indoor cycling, that said, I would not advocate for using a big chunky saddle. If you aren't using the same saddle you have on your bike, invest in making them match. If it is the same saddle, look at getting something that fits you. I don't play around with numbness or pressure of the nether. May also look at tilt of the saddle?

bigbill 02-12-2024 02:15 PM

I have Regals on every bike except the Open and MTB. The Regal on the trainer bike was purchased secondhand from some Holland guy about ten years ago and I never expected it to still be going this long. When I'm doing Zwift, I stand anytime the grade is more than 5%, and occasionally when I'm doing a paced ride, I'll stand up on the flats. I always upshift at least two gears before I stand.

I learned long ago that Regals fit me, and if it ain't broke.... I couldn't get a Regal to work with the Ritchey One Bolt clamp on the Open.

ZaddyWatts 02-12-2024 02:27 PM

I’ve run into this for the first time this year. Even with a rocker plate my normal Power Saddles just aren’t cutting it. I decided to try out a Chinese knockoff of the Specialized Sitero and it’s made things more manageable. Riding completely on my sit bones with a wide nose has changed the game for me. If it’s your soft tissue causing issues try a short nose saddle or a TT saddle.

Turkle 02-12-2024 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by ZaddyWatts (Post 3350633)
...Riding completely on my sit bones with a wide nose has changed the game for me. If it’s your soft tissue causing issues try a short nose saddle or a TT saddle.

Yeah, I just dug up an old wide Specialized Power saddle, with a wide back and a short nose. I'll see if that takes some of the pressure off. Will also mess with saddle tilt a bit.

djg21 02-12-2024 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Turkle (Post 3350588)
This winter I've been rocking the indoor trainer for a lot of miles. I am on the very heavy and solid Stages SB20, so that thing isn't moving at all when I pedal. And I really am starting to get uncomfortable on the saddle. Too much pressure up front on the perineum.

It occurred to me that since weight isn't an issue on the stationary bike, why am I not using a big comfy padded saddle on the trainer?

Do any of you use a different, more padded saddle on the indoor trainer to make your winter miles more comfy?

You likely are getting uncomfortable not from the saddle per se, but because the bike is fixed and doesn’t move under you at all. Thus would happen to me on my old Computrainer. A big saddle could cause other issues. Once you have a saddle that works for you, you should use the same saddle on all of your bikes.

If you are committed to indoor training, a rocker plate may be the way to go. They are not inexpensive, but make a big difference. I use a Velocity rocker with my Tacx Neo 2T, and the Velocity makes a model will work with the SB 20.

Turkle 02-12-2024 06:20 PM

Just did a session with the Power saddle. I pointed the nose down a bit to make sure I'm taking maximum pressure off the perineum.

I actually really, really liked this setup. Felt super planted in aero position. It's funny though, the geometry of that saddle really fights against you if you try to sit up straight when you're resting!

I'm going to stay with this for a bit and see how it goes. If it relieves the pressure maybe all my bikes will get one...

Peter P. 02-12-2024 06:25 PM

Nothing wrong with changing saddles for the trainer if it works for you.

However, I would suggest changing the tilt of your existing saddle as an alternative.

It's possible your trainer does not place your wheels on the same level i.e., the bike is tilted up slightly although it may not casually appear so.

In my experience on most sets of rollers, that's exactly what occurs and it makes riding on the hoods or the drops more uncomfortable. Tilting the saddle down a degree or two alleviates or minimizes the problem.

glepore 02-12-2024 06:49 PM

I mentioned in the recent 3d saddle thread that I use a Stealth Pro, and the Ali 3d ones "inspired" by that shape have been better still, especially on the trainer.

Turkle 02-12-2024 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by glepore (Post 3350747)
I mentioned in the recent 3d saddle thread that I use a Stealth Pro, and the Ali 3d ones "inspired" by that shape have been better still, especially on the trainer.

Hmm... Would you be able to PM me a link? Thanks

pff 02-12-2024 07:06 PM

I use a different saddle on my more upright bikes as compared to where I'm in a more aggressive position. (Specifically, Ergon road saddle on the road and Fizik Argo Tempo on MTB.)

Since I run my trainer bike with 3cm less saddle to bar drop than my outdoor bikes, and since I rarely if ever get low, I use an Argo on the indoor bike. And yea, I bought the cheapest version for indoors since weight is not an issue.

Since the Stealth Pro was mentioned, the Argo is pretty much the exact same shape but with a more agreeable amount of padding. I could only survive 1 hour outdoors or inside with the stealth pro.

glepore 02-12-2024 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Turkle (Post 3350749)
Hmm... Would you be able to PM me a link? Thanks
There are other versions with the same shape that are more like 150-155mm. Just search for Ryet 3d. There are 2 versions of the padding, the one pictured is the latest which is supposedly a little softer yet than the earlier version that I actually have (seller doesn't have my version now). You can differentiate by the little x in the holes on the newer version. Haven't tried it yet but have one on the way.
The Stealth is like a power with less rocker and a wider, more forgiving nose. I can move around a bit on a Stealth, on a Power I was stuck in one spot.

Nomadmax 02-12-2024 07:24 PM

Riding the rollers has taught me one thing for sure, take standing breaks. Because if you don't, it's a lot like drinking Long Island ice teas. If you wait until you think you've had's too late.

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