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Keith A 07-14-2016 02:31 PM

Diagnosed with shingles today -- riding okay?
With all the stuff that has been going on in our family's life, I guess the stress has caught up with me and I've come down with the shingles. I caught this pretty early -- and even correctly diagnosed this myself (I'm an engineer and not a doctor). Thankfully, my symptoms are pretty mild right now with the rash on my abdomen, side and back. I'm having a prescription filled for an antiviral and steroid, and will be starting these soon.

Assuming I don't have the debilitating pain or flu like symptoms that can accompany this disease, is it ok to continue riding or any other type of exercise? Is there anything I should do to cover the rash while riding?

I would appreciate any helpful tips or information you guys/gals have.

Hilltopperny 07-14-2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Keith A (Post 2007962)
With all the stuff that has been going on in our family's life, I guess the stress has caught up with me and I've come down with the shingles. I caught this pretty early -- and even correctly diagnosed this myself (I'm an engineer and not a doctor). Thankfully, my symptoms are pretty mild right now with the rash on my abdomen, side and back. I'm having a prescription filled for an antiviral and steroid, and will be starting these soon.

Assuming I don't have the debilitating pain or flu like symptoms that can accompany this disease, is it ok to continue riding or any other type of exercise? Is there anything I should do to cover the rash while riding?

I would appreciate any helpful tips or information you guys/gals have.

Had shingles myself when I was younger. I would take it easy for a bit. If you are going to ride then take it slow as from what I recall, sweat made my rash spread. It sounds like you are on top of it with the medication, but I'd take a week or so off just to be safe. Good luck and get well.

crossjunkee 07-14-2016 02:44 PM

That's a bummer, sorry to hear. My parents both had shingles. Some days are better than others. Only you know your body. If you feel like riding, then ride! Don't let shingles stop you if you feel up to the task.

Obviously rest when you can, eat good food, and drink A LOT of water. Eat raw foods that will boost your immune system.

soulspinner 07-14-2016 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Hilltopperny (Post 2007965)
Had shingles myself when I was younger. I would take it easy for a bit. If you are going to ride then take it slow as from what I recall, sweat made my rash spread. It sounds like you are on top of it with the medication, but I'd take a week or so off just to be safe. Good luck and get well.

It seems sweat made mine spread to and it was close enough to my eye (yes half my head was full of shingles rash...not fun). I wouldnt ride until it was subsiding.

trener1 07-14-2016 03:22 PM

I got it 2 years ago and it was awefull.
I am not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV, but I would suggest taking a week off the bike and getting lots of rest and hopefully you can nip it on the budd.

buddybikes 07-14-2016 03:34 PM

Ask doctor about Doxepin/Prudoxin cream for the rash.

Sure wish insurance would drop the age for the vaccine, perhaps I may just do it and pay.

Dead Man 07-14-2016 03:41 PM

Dood... that's lame.

I've never had it, but I had an employee who came down with shingles (he's a roofer, too.. love irony?) a few years ago... was my lead guy at the time, too.. his doctor excused him from duty for like two weeks. IIRC, he came back after a week and a half, but was still in pain for another week or so.

I'd say do whatever you feel like you can do. Seems like shingles has all sorts of different levels of severity, from not that bad, to bed-ridden for a month. Maybe yours isn't that bad and riding will be fine...?

I know I wouldn't want to give up a week+ of fitness, if it was me... but if it came down to it and I needed the rest, I'd take it

OtayBW 07-14-2016 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Keith A (Post 2007962)
With all the stuff that has been going on in our family's life, I guess the stress has caught up with me and I've come down with the shingles. I caught this pretty early -- and even correctly diagnosed this myself (I'm an engineer and not a doctor). Thankfully, my symptoms are pretty mild right now with the rash on my abdomen, side and back. I'm having a prescription filled for an antiviral and steroid, and will be starting these soon.

Assuming I don't have the debilitating pain or flu like symptoms that can accompany this disease, is it ok to continue riding or any other type of exercise? Is there anything I should do to cover the rash while riding?

I would appreciate any helpful tips or information you guys/gals have.

I had it in 2010. I would strongly suggest that you talk to your Dr. about getting on some anti-viral (e.g., Valtrex) immediately (EDIT: OK - I see that you've done that). They say (or they said at the time that I had it) that starting in on this within ~72 hrs really lessens the intensity and duration. I'm not a doc, and things might have changed since then, but I certainly hope that you check it out right away.

As an aside, I had it on my face/eye. Had to watch that closely. The postherpetic neuralgia lasted for many moons, but it eventually cleared. I don't think it's as bad as most make it out to be, but it is a real PITA. When I had it, I can guarantee you that I was not doing any riding at all for >> 1 week.
Hang in there. You will be back up and around in no time.

BobC 07-14-2016 04:17 PM

Had it years ago. Found that riding actually helped. I was in a great deal of pain but riding took my mind off it. Of course I was in my late 20s at the time and still indestructible (now I am in my early 50s and just slightly destructible).

I would still take a couple days off, but don't be afraid to ride easy.

Good luck -- it does get better.

DfCas 07-14-2016 04:24 PM

I had it on my forehead/face. I was off the bike for 7 weeks with a headache and malaise . I hope you do better.

I would urge anyone to get the shot and pay out of pocket if need be. The shot is not 100% but any decrease in odds is worth it.

You may check with your local/county health dept as it may be much cheaper than a pharmacy if you are self pay.

scooter 07-14-2016 05:01 PM

To lessen the symptoms, get on the antiviral medication as soon as possible. Valacyclovir works best if it is used within 48 hours after the first symptoms of shingles.

YoKev 07-14-2016 06:57 PM

I had it so bad on my face/head that my hair literally hurt. Any movement of hair was just about unbearable. So yeah, no helmets!

That was like 7 years ago and I still have phantom tingles on my face every now and then but they're mostly completely gone.

Dead Man 07-14-2016 07:15 PM

What a horrible little virus.


johnmdesigner 07-14-2016 07:33 PM

Just to share my experience.
Had it on my face 3 years ago.
Left with facial scars. Still have terrible nerve pain in my face and around my eye.
Shaving brings tears to my eyes and I have spent many an evening with an ice pack on it.
It pretty much runs my life now.
It is serious ****. Don't press your luck. Take it easy for a few days.

gemship 07-14-2016 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hilltopperny (Post 2007965)
Had shingles myself when I was younger. I would take it easy for a bit. If you are going to ride then take it slow as from what I recall, sweat made my rash spread. It sounds like you are on top of it with the medication, but I'd take a week or so off just to be safe. Good luck and get well.

Never had the shingles but this sounds like sage advise. Why risk lowering immune system and complicating recovery. Take some time off to heal and hopefully destress. :cool:

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