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fignon's barber 09-10-2017 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by mnoble485 (Post 2231468)
I'm in the New Tampa area. The waiting is the sucky part. How much CNN, NBC etc. can anyone watch. I've also got ice, propane and and and...good luck tonight and tomorrow to you and others in the area.


I'm in tarpon springs. We have decent elevation, but we were evacuated yesterday. Grabbed some clothes, and left thinking we may have nothing when we return. Honestly, I can care less about my bikes, I just want my home and the community to still be there

YesNdeed 09-10-2017 06:19 PM

It looks like the worst is over for Naples and South. My Father's place was minimally damaged, and flooding hasn't reached the ground floor, although the street is flooded by foot or two. No power. Big relief. I hope everyone is hanging in there in points North.

chuckroast 09-10-2017 06:25 PM

I'm in Spring Hill (north of Tampa) and knock on wood, everything is still on. Looks like the storm shot its wad in the Keys, Naples and Ft. Meyers because it appears to be rapidly weakening. Might be a Cat 1 by the time it gets here.

54ny77 09-10-2017 07:01 PM

Good luck to all.

weisan 09-12-2017 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Louis (Post 2230396)
I don't want to make light of a deadly serious situation, but I do have to wonder what it would be like to try to ride with an 185 mph tail wind.

Assuming the bike hardware could take the speed, at that speed the turbulence would most certainly be too much to handle since your lateral stability would not be very good. I would be willing to try in, say, a 75 mph tailwind. I know that many of my wheels have been up to 55 mph for very short periods in the steep downhill leading out of my subdivision, (my pb gravity assisted speed) but I don't know how long the hub bearings could stand it.

Ronsonic 09-12-2017 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by mnoble485 (Post 2231468)
I'm in the New Tampa area. The waiting is the sucky part. How much CNN, NBC etc. can anyone watch. I've also got ice, propane and and and...good luck tonight and tomorrow to you and others in the area.


Hi Mike, yep, the long, dragging wait for that thing was wretched. No TV news for me, I was online watching NOAA stuff. Then lost internets and that's when the TV came on. I just got back on line about 20 minutes ago, so of course I had to come here after checking my email.

Other than the info-pipe breaking we suffered nothing that a rake and some yard work couldn't fix. So many people around here are without electricity and I was about to go take my mom over when they got her area rewired.

How'd you guys north of here do?

chuckroast 09-12-2017 07:15 PM

We got power back today, the outage was about 36 hours. No damage other than branches and palm fronds in the yard. All and all a relief over what had been forecasted.

zmudshark 09-12-2017 08:12 PM

Heading to my dad's in St Marys GA tomorrow. He is a WWII vet, and still thinks he can do anything. I was planning on a trip to make his DVD player work and take all the stuff off his computer that he has no idea how it got there.

His house looks okay, but there are some big looking branches on the roof, and a lot of Georgia pine on the ground.

Glad I had the trip planned ahead of time and can help him out for once, instead of the other way around.

Stay safe Paceliners in all the storm areas.

Keith A 09-12-2017 10:49 PM

We ended not getting a direct hit from Irma, but she slapped us pretty good. Nearly 90% initially were without power in my county. We still have no power, cable or internet, and I just got cellular data this evening. We have a limb laying on our power line and we don't know when this will be fixed. We also have some water intrusion in our bedroom, soffit and facia damage, and debris everywhere. Schools are closed until next week, long lines at the few open gas stations. It's going to take a while for our community to recover from this, but I'm thankful for it not being worse, as I'm sure the folks on the west coast have it much worse.

mnoble485 09-13-2017 08:45 AM

Two sections of fence and some yard debris is total of our damage. Power stayed on the entire time!! I think we really got of lucky compared to other areas.

shovelhd 09-13-2017 08:58 AM

One of the schools my wife works for in Jacksonville was flooded and has no power. They expect to be shut down for at least the rest of the week.

Keith A 09-13-2017 12:52 PM

Just discovered the roof leaked at my office :(

YesNdeed 09-13-2017 01:21 PM

Can anyone tell me if the Naples area/Collier county is still without power?

jr59 09-13-2017 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by shovelhd (Post 2232888)
One of the schools my wife works for in Jacksonville was flooded and has no power. They expect to be shut down for at least the rest of the week.

Most of the schools are like that here. I just got power and wi-fi. Glad to take a hot shower

oldguy00 09-14-2017 08:30 PM

Hey folks, anyone in the Longwood area? Was it hit badly? Enough to cause damage to houses, etc?

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