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cadence90 06-02-2017 10:57 PM

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velotrack 06-03-2017 01:13 AM

feel free to skip over this whole wall of text. though I promise you I put thought into this - most of it isn't nonsense!

-remember that GSW drafted klay (late lottery pick), draymond (2nd round) and steph (who was like, the third or fourth selected point guard chosen that year - nice going timberwolves). and steph's paper mache ankles a few years ago is why his contract is so cheap - he'll get max (unless he takes less - he shouldn't.) when it expires. it's not a coincidence that they had cap space to sign KD. the warriors have a competent FO.

-4 all stars isn't new. 2 years ago, atlanta hawks. in fact, korver (a part of that east-leading 14-15 team) is on the cavs now... an acquisition to help with the firepower from deep. he's alright.

-hate on lebron james all you want, but he's good on both ends of the floor, passes and shoots well, and is essentially everything you'd want in a team leader. with how many minutes he's played in ~15 years (going deep into the playoffs, at that) of course you'll find a couple videos of him flopping. and he travels occassionally. get over it. if you're upset about flops, complain about james harden, who's actually always at the line.

-i don't see how anybody should be mad at him for what he said regarding his house being vandalized. no, he doesn't want you to feel sorry for him. he's just acknowledging the racism that still exists regardless of the money/fame you have.

-there's so much discussion of who's the GOAT - does it even mean anything? it's subjective. jordan and kareem were great players and lebron is making his own name with each passing year.

-if you think klay isn't playing well, you're not really watching. the game is so much more than just shooting and he's been locking down on defense. they're not lacking on offensive options.

-there was no ring for KD in OKC, regardless of how close they got. he tried for years, with players like harden, ibaka, waiters, etc. it's especially hard all those years playing with westbrook, who loves playing selfish, hero ball. not saying russ is a bad player, just that he's athletic and rather inefficient (iverson-like). KD moving to a team with better ball movement is exactly what he would never have had before. he can play iso when necessary and defend too. and toss up better shots than the bricks harrison barnes was putting out last finals.

-in a few years, we'll forget about KD moving teams, most likely. how many people still bring up kobe's rape case? how about all those cavs fans that burned jerseys after the decision? oh yeah - bron is as much of a ring chaser as anybody. joining wade and bosh, then going back to the cavs "to go back home" aka, after multiple years of first picks (wiggins, bennett) to trade off, plus kevin love and a now more mature Kyrie Irving? all his moves are for rings.

-KD doesn't owe anybody anything. he gets to choose where he works, who he works for, and how much he'll get paid for it. plus, how can you judge someone by how many championships they have, then later on denounce them for moving to get one? do you think in free agency he was thinking, "wow, I should go to the nets, they need me, and it would make the league more fair?". no - he's looking out for himself. and he should.

-love and irving being out 2 years ago and the draymond suspension/injuries on the gsw side gives both teams an out for the year they lost. truthfully, i think the warriors just choked last year.

isn't it nice to have healthy rosters for a tie breaker, then?

pdmtong 06-03-2017 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by velotrack (Post 2183166)
truthfully, i think the warriors just choked last year.

very nicely articulated. as would be expected from someone with your academic pedigree. (GO BEARS!)

I went to game 5 last year - what should have been the greatest home game in the history of bay area sports instead was a massive choke and disappointment.
from win the title on your home floor and greatest team of all time 73-9 and title to sliding into a massive choke . . . it was worse than saragusa pancaking gannon and losing 16-9 at home...oh, what could have been.

Jaybee 06-03-2017 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by velotrack (Post 2183166)
feel free to skip over this whole wall of text. though I promise you I put thought into this - most of it isn't nonsense!

-remember that GSW drafted klay (late lottery pick), draymond (2nd round) and steph (who was like, the third or fourth selected point guard chosen that year - nice going timberwolves). and steph's paper mache ankles a few years ago is why his contract is so cheap - he'll get max (unless he takes less - he shouldn't.) when it expires. it's not a coincidence that they had cap space to sign KD. the warriors have a competent FO.

The Warriors cap space/KD is a mix of competency with a huge dollop of luck. Without Curry on a below market-deal, a huge spike in the cap in 16, the Ws dropping a 3-1 lead and the Thunder dropping a 3-1 lead before that, the stars don't align to get KD there. For this reason it's tremendously obnoxious to anyone who doesn't live in the Bay area to hear trophy-humping Lacob claim to be "light years ahead", as if fortune and the universe played no role in he and his team's success.

As for KDs choices, he can make them, and I as a fan can dislike what it does to the NBA product. It's more fun when 4-5 teams are legitimate contenders, not 1.5.

bobswire 06-03-2017 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jaybee (Post 2183208)
The Warriors cap space/KD is a mix of competency with a huge dollop of luck. Without Curry on a below market-deal, a huge spike in the cap in 16, the Ws dropping a 3-1 lead and the Thunder dropping a 3-1 lead before that, the stars don't align to get KD there. For this reason it's tremendously obnoxious to anyone who doesn't live in the Bay area to hear trophy-humping Lacob claim to be "light years ahead", as if fortune and the universe played no role in he and his team's success.

As for KDs choices, he can make them, and I as a fan can dislike what it does to the NBA product. It's more fun when 4-5 teams are legitimate contenders, not 1.5.

The Warriors are pretty much home grown and when Barnes turned down their contract offer two years ago (and subsequently disappeared in the playoffs last year)gave the Warriors the opportunity to pursue K.D. Credit the Warriors F.O. drafting smart,contract negotiating and hiring Kerr to guide them. That's not luck,give credit where do,fortune and universe had no more bearing on their success than any other teams lack there of.

Durant said it best,"“Like I’m the reason why Orlando couldn’t make the playoffs for five, six years in a row?” he said. “Am I the reason that Brooklyn gave all their picks to Boston? Like, am I the reason that they’re not that good (laughs). I can’t play for every team, so the truth of the matter is I left one team. It’s one more team that you probably would’ve thought would’ve been a contender. One more team. I couldn’t have made the (entire) East better. I couldn’t have made everybody (else) in the West better.”

You want to know about the team, go here.

sales guy 06-03-2017 09:07 AM

I agree with pretty much everything Velo, Jay, PDM and Bobs have said.

I don't think GSW "stacked" or bought their 4 all-star team. They made it. I mean, Steph and his ankles, Dray and his fouling and KD wanted something special. Klay, I agree, he's been off with shooting but he's stepped up huge on D. And that's awesome. I think it's helped them a ton.

I think GSW last year, I think the combo of Steph and Dray and of course "the pass" killed their chance of the win. Also, they seem to have an issue when they travel. Not sure what it is, but they seem to have a slow, tough time. Just look at the past two years. They have had tough tough games or lost when they have a tight travel schedule like they did when they went from Boston(OT game) to Mpls which was a DBL OT game.

Last year I wouldn't be surprised if the issues with his wife and her dad played a key in his head issues. He seems to have that. Kind of like Klay right now. If Draymond can stay out of trouble but still do his thing, they will win. He is incredible on D and deserves that award.

I dont disagree that Cleveland has a great team and LeDouche is a great player. But he has been chasing Jordan since he started. I mean, his number choice was proof. He's great on both ends, but he is a massive control freak. And I think that's why his guys always look like they hate playing. Like they're fearful of him getting pissed of him pushing for them to be traded. Just my opinion of course but given how vocal he is and how he's pushed others out, I wouldn't be surprised.

But I love watching the Dubs play. If you watch their games, many times it's like watching the Globetrotters. Crazy passes. Crazy shots. just impossible stuff.
I hope they win the title.

pdmtong 06-03-2017 10:48 AM

And let's not forget the years of ineptitude. Trade parish yo the Celtics and the pick that became Mchale. The guys once traded who became all stars. Gilbert Arenas. Love and head shakes for don Nelson. We are talking decades where the warriors are probably the worst sports ticket in town.

Like the 70s Raiders and 80s 49ers and the 2010-2014 giants this is s special tone and we who live here know it.

Durant knows he is on a great situation. Watching these guys I dare say is more fun than watching the showtime Lakers whom I saw many times. This GSW team has the finesse but more explosive

bobswire 06-03-2017 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by pdmtong (Post 2183277)
And let's not forget the years of ineptitude. Trade parish yo the Celtics and the pick that became Mchale. The guys once traded who became all stars. Gilbert Arenas. Love and head shakes for don Nelson. We are talking decades where the warriors are probably the worst sports ticket in town.

Like the 70s Raiders and 80s 49ers and the 2010-2014 giants this is s special tone and we who live here know it.

Durant knows he is on a great situation. Watching these guys I dare say is more fun than watching the showtime Lakers whom I saw many times. This GSW team has the finesse but more explosive

And they can match up with anyone defensively.

jlwdm 06-03-2017 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by sales guy (Post 2183248)

I dont disagree that Cleveland has a great team and LeDouche is a great player.


I root for Golden State, not Cleveland, but when I see you using the term "LeDouche' over and over again you lose any credibility in my mind.


sales guy 06-03-2017 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by jlwdm (Post 2183311)
I root for Golden State, not Cleveland, but when I see you using the term "LeDouche' over and over again you lose any credibility in my mind.


My laptop doesn't like him either so it autocorrects to that.

My feelings are when you do something like 'The Decision' and talk in the third person, you lose all credibility about how you love your town and what not. He went to Miami cause of money and a ring. He got them and came back. Great that he came back but if you really cared, you would've built the team back then and not jumped ship. The same could be said for OKC and KD. I don't fault KD as much tho cause he didn't do the whole stupid announcement and 3rd person BS.

Everyone burned their jerseys and screamed bloody murder when he did his thing. And then, like sheep, opened their arms to him and forgot the BS. He even sued a local beer company when he did his beer stunt in the Playoffs. All cause that company made a 'Quitness' named beer cause he jumped ship. How is that being about your hometown?

I'm not like that. BUT, I never liked the guy to begin with. He was cocky back in school and he's worse now. Yeah, he's a great player. But you could also be a teeny tiny bit humble. And doing a bike ride in Akron and donating bikes, that doesn't make you humble. That gives you a tax write-off!

Jaybee 06-03-2017 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by bobswire (Post 2183232)
The Warriors are pretty much home grown and when Barnes turned down their contract offer two years ago (and subsequently disappeared in the playoffs last year)gave the Warriors the opportunity to pursue K.D. Credit the Warriors F.O. drafting smart,contract negotiating and hiring Kerr to guide them. That's not luck,give credit where do,fortune and universe had no more bearing on their success than any other teams lack there of.

Durant said it best,"“Like I’m the reason why Orlando couldn’t make the playoffs for five, six years in a row?” he said. “Am I the reason that Brooklyn gave all their picks to Boston? Like, am I the reason that they’re not that good (laughs). I can’t play for every team, so the truth of the matter is I left one team. It’s one more team that you probably would’ve thought would’ve been a contender. One more team. I couldn’t have made the (entire) East better. I couldn’t have made everybody (else) in the West better.”

You want to know about the team, go here.

I don't deny that certain smart choices put GSW where they are, but if Steph doesn't get hurt 5 years ago he's on a Max deal and they can't afford Durant. If Durant's FA doesn't coincide with the largest cap spike in a generation, they can't afford Durant. If they win the title last year, then the PR cost is too high for Durant to go there. If OKC makes the finals last year, Durant probably feels compelled to run it back one more time, at least.

My point is not that the Ws aren't well managed. They are. But its silly to pretend like good fortune isn't an equal contributor along with hard smart work.

As for Durant not being repsonsbile for crappy basketball in the East, I will give him that. It's undeniable however, that he made an already great team better while simultaneously rendering their toughest opponent toothless. If you didn't have the Ws as a huge favorite to roll to a title you weren't paying attention, and that makes basketball boring outside of the Bay Area.

cadence90 06-03-2017 06:45 PM

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cadence90 06-03-2017 06:58 PM

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mosca 06-03-2017 09:06 PM
How can you be hatin' on this guy? Come on...

sales guy 06-03-2017 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by mosca (Post 2183564)

Cause he's wearing a custom painted gold helmet and his saddle is too low. Among other reasons. But those work well. LOL!!

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